Is it me, or is A larger than B: Uncovering the determinants of relational cognitive dissonance resolution

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This study explores the computational mechanisms underlying the resolution of cognitive dissonances. We focus on scenarios in which an observation violates the expected relationship between objects. For instance, an agent expects object A to be smaller than B in some feature space but observes the opposite. One solution is to adjust the expected relationship according to the new observation and change the expectation to A being larger than B. An alternative solution would be to adapt the representation of A and B in the feature space such that in the new representation, the relationship that A is smaller than B is maintained. While both pathways resolve the dissonance, they generalize differently to different tasks. Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) capable of relational learning, we demonstrate the existence of these two pathways and show that the chosen pathway depends on the dissonance magnitude. Large dissonances alter the representation of the objects, while small dissonances lead to adjustments in the expected relationships. We show that this effect arises from the inherently different learning dynamics of relationships and representations and study the implications.

Publisher's Version

Last updated on 01/02/2025